Baptisms are held on:
Age: As an infant recommended
*Child must not be more than 7 yrs. old
One Pre-baptismal Class Needed:
For Parents and Godparents
(If, someone, is not able to attend the class at this Parish due to not living in the area, the person must attend the pre-baptismal class at their attending Parish and must present to us a letter stating the class was given to them from that Parish.)
Choosing Godparents:
1. One Godfather and/or One Godmother
2. Godparents must be practicing Catholics.
3. They need to have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
4. If the Godparents are married,
to eachother or someone else,
it must be a marriage through the Catholic Church. If not married, the godparent cannot be cohabiting.
.*Civil marriage is not recognized
by the Church.
El niño o niña deben de tener menos de 7 años de edad.
Los padrinos que eligen deben de tener todos los sacramentos y vivir una vida de acuerdo a la fe católica.
Necesitamos el formulario de bautizo y también el acta de nacimiento.
Hay una clase prebautismal para los padres y padrinos.
Are you interested in any of the 7 Sacraments?
Please contact us or visit the Parish Office during office hours to receive more information. We will be delighted to help.
Registration is now open. La registraciones están abiertas.
Registration are now Closed and will resume in May of 2024.
La registraciones están cerradas y resumiran en Mayo del 2024.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ages 18 & older that have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation.
To register we need a copy of your birth certificate and a copy of the certificate of all sacraments already received.
Adult Sacrament Registrations are now open
La registraciones están abiertas
Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos
de 18 años de edad y adelante que no tienen el
Sacramento de Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación.
Necesitamos una copia de su certificado de nacimiento y de todos los sacramentos ya recibidos.
Pass by the Parish Office
to fill out a data form & bring all your sacrament certificates
Set a meeting with the
Priest or Deacon and appointment to take a pre-marital inventory, e.g., FOCCUS.
Set a wedding date:
6 months (+) from notification
Register for the two courses required by
the Diocese of Paterson:
1. PreCana
2. God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage